More Ways to Join The Fight Against Homelessness

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has". Margaret Mead
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The Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness advocates at the  state and federal level for proven policies and additional resources to make sure everyone in Michigan has a home. There are many ways for you to join us in our advocacy work – please select one (or more) of the many options available to you. 


Download Our Advocacy Toolkit

Receive Our Action Alerts

Attend Advocacy Day

Attend Legislative Action Committee Mtg

Not sure where to start?  Our toolkit will map out simple and attainable steps to begin your advocacy involvement.

You can be a housing advocate while not leaving your desk.  MCAH’s action alerts give you updates, action items, and steps you can take to further the cause.

Please join us for the 11th annual Homelessness Advocacy Day, taking place in May, at Lansing Community College downtown campus, 600 N Grand Ave, Lansing

Join us the first Monday of each month from Noon – 1:00 PM to learn about state and federal legislative updates and call to actions.

Why Your Advocacy Matters