Voter Outreach Events A Success

Agency Attempts to Address Disparities in Voting Among Renters and Unhoused Persons  In the 2022 midterm elections, only one-third of renters voted, compared to over half of homeowners. One-third of the lowest-income people voted, compared to two-thirds of the...

Source of Income Legislation Passes the Michigan Senate

  The battle isn’t over.  Please scroll down below and add your name to the extensive list of agencies and individuals who support this legislation! (If you have any issues with the form, email with your name and agency and you...

Deliver MCAH To Your Mailbox

Sign up here to receive our training newsletter, legislative advocacy action alerts, and more.   Deliver MCAH To Your Mailbox * indicates required Email Address *First Name Last Name Organization Marketing PermissionsMichigan Coalition Against Homelessness will use...