Beyond Neurobiology: Practical Application for Addressing Trauma (VIA ZOOM)


Tuesday, February 27, 2024

01:00 PM 



$50 general public
$25 members (email Allison for code)

Description of the Webinar

Join us for this interactive training that builds upon Neurobiology of Trauma Parts I & II. During this training participants will work through case scenarios to practically apply information about working with those who have experienced trauma and critically think of barriers and challenges that those individuals face. Lastly, attendees will have a greater understanding of the impact of vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue and burnout and how they can get support. This training will include lecture, group discussions, and case scenario work.

Course Outcomes*

Participants will leave with 1-3 practical steps to deploy when working with individuals with trauma. Particpants will be able to assess how they are impacted by vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout and how to get help.
What will participants walk away knowing?*
Participants will leave this training with more practical tools to be able to serve people impacted by trauma and not re-traumatize them.

Target Population for Audience*

Homeless Service Providers

Name of Presenter(s)*

Amanda Barratt & Jessica Edel

Amanda Barratt, LMSW, CSE, CST (she/her/hers) is a Senior Program Director for MCEDSV. Amanda has extensive experience in violence prevention, sexual health education, and supporting the development of nonprofit management practices across the state. She has worked in higher education institutions, grassroots organizations, as well as program support and implementation for the state of Michigan. Amanda has over 12 years’ experience doing direct service work in sexual violence and intimate partner violence (SV/IPV) service agencies, post-assault survivor crisis response, sexual assault forensic exam (SAFE) accompaniment, advocacy, and clinical services. While at the state of Michigan Amanda oversaw 11 federal supplemental awards totaling over $1.1 billion. She currently provides membership support, training, technical assistance, and grant compliance support. Amanda’s work is rooted in empowerment theory, and she employs a strength-based approach to her work which includes how power, privilege, and oppression impact survivors. Amanda received her Master’s in Social Work from the University of Michigan in Interpersonal Practice and Management of Human Services. She has experience working within the mental health field as a trauma therapist and has received accreditation as a nationally certified Sexual Health Educator and Sex Therapist for the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), as well as a Parent Management Training-Oregon (PMTO) certified therapist. Jessica Edel, PhD (she/her/hers), is the Empowerment Evaluation Director at MCEDSV and has close to twenty years of experience working in the domestic and sexual violence movements. Her work has included: teaching and conducting research at Western Michigan University; direct service work in IPV service agencies; post-assault survivor crisis response and advocacy; integration of homelessness and domestic violence direct services; chairing a regional homeless Continuum of Care; serving on several boards of directors; and serving as the executive director of two separate DV/SA programs in Michigan. Since joining MCEDSV in 2018, Jessica has focused on primary prevention strategies, community-based evaluation, disability and accessibility, and advocate training and mentorship. She has vast experience in: research methodology; survivor-centered and trauma-informed service provision; integration of IPV and homeless service agencies; and nonprofit management. Jessica enjoys anything related to food, nature, and traveling; being a nerd; spending time with her Littles; and is rarely seen without her tiny puppy, Emma.