Homeless Awareness Month | Short Video List

Short Videos


These are great tools for educating yourself and the public about homelessness! The National Coalition for the Homeless has produced informative videos available on YouTube:


“Faces of Homelessness” video playlist: 

Created and updated by the National Coalition for Homelessness, this youtube collection features multiple videos that explain homelessness, often from those who have experienced it directly.


Invisible People: Vlogger Mark Horvath creates short videos featuring individuals currently experiencing homelessness, often asking “If you had three wishes right now, what would they be?”  The answers give you a glimpse into the daily struggles of those living unsheltered, and are framed by Mark’s own lived experience with homelessness.

MCAH “How Housing Changed My Life” video collection: 
At a July, 2017 rally at the Michigan State Capitol, MCAH asked 9 individuals who had experienced homelessness one question: How did housing change your life? Their answers provide a roadmap for the resources we need and the impact our collective efforts make on the individual and family right here in Michigan.

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